Male infertility is caused by sperm issues described in the following situations: 1. Absence of sperm in the testicles or the absence of testicles 2. Inability to mature and release…
As infertility we describe the situation in which a couple experiences repetitive failure to conceive, after intercourse with sufficient frequency in each cycle, meaning more than 10 times per month,…
Obesity Exceeding the ideal body weight has been associated with a 30% reduction in fertility potential, both in natural conception and in IVF. Obesity is also thought to have an…
1. The absence of sperm in the testicles or the absences of testicles, described as non-obstructive azoospermia, are the most basic factors of male infertility. The causes that lead to…
Both of these conditions are a result of either germs or pelvic inflammations, previous surgeries or to endometriosis 4) Poor egg quality is mainly related to advanced reproductive age but…
Very often I meet couples that show me a normal sperm count analysis and presume that the sperm is not a problem, or vice versa they show me a pathological…
The egg is the second genetic material required for conception. And while the man is gifted with millions of sperm per ejaculation during his life, a woman has already been…
Spermatogenesis is a very complex process which seems to be influenced by a number of factors that may lead to the most common oligo-astheno-terato-zoospermia or even azoospermia. These factors that…
The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a procedure that has been widely used in medicine for many years, particularly by orthopedics to treat chronic erosive conditions such as chronic…
One of the most difficult problems that a fertility specialist has to deal with is that of recurrent miscarriage. That term defines the loss of at least three clinically confirmed…
Woman age and fertility: Women under 30 It is proved that almost 3/4 of couples, where the mother is between 20 and 30, will be able to conceive within the…
There is a chance in about 5% of cases where one of the two or even sometimes both, are carriers of some chromosomal translocation or some other chromosomal abnormality resulting…
There is a huge controversy in the scientific community regarding the clinical significance of these factors in the pathogenesis of recurrent miscarriages. My personal experience leads me to the conclusion…
From bottom to top, the open- accessible fertilisation “path” is defined by After ejaculation, the man’s sperm is deposited in the posterior vaginal dome. The sperm at this moment has…
It is now clear that the older the candidate mother is, the greater the chances of miscarriage due mainly to abnormalities in the chromosomal content of the eggs. These chances…
Even though no one can predict the time of menopause, the average age that it occurs is around 52 years. But before this point, there is a period of 10…
t is really important for a couple to understand what are the normal chances of conceiving and even more importantly how long it takes for a normal, fertile couple to…
DNA Fragmentation, is a form of sperm damage and is a phenomenon associated with poor sperm fertilizing ability and the subsequent potentially problematic development of pregnancy. There is certainly a…
1) Vaginal issues Rarely a couple might be unable to complete intercourse due to vaginismus. In such cases, adequate psychological support or even intrauterine insemination (IUI) with sedation may lead…
In order for conception to occur and for the miracle of life to begin, the fertilization of an egg by a sperm is required. The spermatozoa are produced in each…
It is particularly important to understand that for the human species, neither all the spermatozoa, nor all the eggs that are produced and released are fertile. Accordingly it is not…
There has also been a lot of controversy in Greece regarding the function of thrombophilia resulting in recurrent miscarriages. There is indeed an association with some rare cases of thrombophilia…
Hormonal causes are probably the most common causes of recurrent miscarriages. They relate to more than a third of these cases. Thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism or less often hyperthyroidism, disorders…
Anatomic causes that may lead to recurrent miscarriage include congenital uterine abnormalities such as didelphis and unicornuate uterus, fibroids or endometrial adhesions that are mostly related to endometritis. In addition,…
Infertility in modern times is an increasingly common problem due to the modern lifestyle and requirements of a modern woman. These social demands lead most women to the decision to…
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