Woman age and fertility: Women under 30
It is proved that almost 3/4 of couples, where the mother is between 20 and 30, will be able to conceive within the first year. In fact, one third of them will conceive within the first three months and the remaining 2/3 will succeed in the remaining 9 months.
But which are exactly the chances to conceive per cycle of effort for a couple, who doesn’t have a problem, and with a woman younger than 30?
The chances are a little less than 25%. This percentage is mentioned to reassure these women who are overwhelmed by anxiety and disappointment, from the first unsuccessful attempts. These percentages are the result of a statistical analysis by the World Health Organization (WHO) and are just indicative. There are certainly exceptions to this rule, as for some couples the pregnancy occurs even with contraception and some other couples that conceive automatically after many unsuccessful IVF attempts and after eight or even ten years of free intercourse!Both cases are extreme exceptions to the “human fertility” phenomenon.
The time factor
The role of a woman’s age in reproduction is unquestionable. The age of a potential mother is the factor that should motivate couples and specialists to deal quickly and effectively with every case towards a solution. A careful approach is necessary, because the chances of natural conception per cycle of attempt from 25% in women up to 30 years, jumps down to 18% at the age of 35 years and close to 12% at the age of 38 years after, and after 38 it declines down to single digits. Therefore it becomes clear that fertility decreases significantly over the time and the age of the candidate mother.