Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are often an integral part in the investigation of potential infertility causes of a couple or a woman. They are both minimally invasive surgical methods and are performed under general anesthesia or light intoxication.
Briefly, during the laparoscopy, the female abdomen is checked, with the help of a camera (laparoscope) that is inserted into the patient’s abdomen through her navel, in order to identify or confirm pathologies of the genital organs’ interior, like the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, in order to treat them.Additionally, it is a useful diagnostic tool for the investigation of unexplained infertility as it may also check if needed, the permeability of the fallopian tubes.
The most common conditions that can affect a woman’s fertility or may lead to repeated failed IVF attempts and can be identified through laparoscopy are endometriosis, hydro fallopian tubes (fluid in the fallopian tubes) and blockage of the fallopian tubes due to adhesions. The treatment of these mentioned pathologies always aims at the woman’s fertility increase and, in particular for the cases of endometriosis with respect to the ovarian reserves.
During hysteroscopy, the endometrial cavity of the uterus and the endometrium itself are thoroughly checked using a camera (hysteroscope). Perhaps it is the most frequently performed operation for the investigation of female infertility. During hysteroscopy, pathologies of the endometrium are identified and treated, such as polyps or fibroids that project into the endometrial cavity and prevent the implantation of the embryo.Moreover, any adhesions or anatomical abnormalities of the uterus that affect the structure and architecture of the endometrium, resulting in infertility can be also recognized. Finally, endometritis that can significantly affect the implantation of the embryo and often leads to repeated failed IVF attempts, can be detected thanks to the direct inspection of the endometrium with the hysteroscope, under specific diagnostic and imaging criteria.
Both laparoscopy and hysteroscopy aim to improve the chances of achieving a desired pregnancy, either through natural conception or through in vitro fertilization, which will be able to develop throughout the needed stages smoothly.