One of the most difficult problems that a fertility specialist has to deal with is that of recurrent miscarriage. That term defines the loss of at least three clinically confirmed and scan-detectable pregnancies. Fortunately, the frequency of six miscarriages does not exceed 4% in the general population.
These miscarriages are distinguished into primary and secondary.…
There is a chance in about 5% of cases where one of the two or even sometimes both, are carriers of some chromosomal translocation or some other chromosomal abnormality resulting in the creation of a genetically abnormal fetus. In these couples, genetic counseling and preimplantation diagnosis are recommended, which will lead to the selection of…
There is a huge controversy in the scientific community regarding the clinical significance of these factors in the pathogenesis of recurrent miscarriages. My personal experience leads me to the conclusion that chronic endometritis certainly leads to miscarriages and that the immune mechanisms are certainly involved in this phenomenon. The difficulty lies in the identification of…
There has also been a lot of controversy in Greece regarding the function of thrombophilia resulting in recurrent miscarriages. There is indeed an association with some rare cases of thrombophilia but certainly not with all the thrombophilic disorders that are quite common in the Mediterranean population such as the heterozygosity for MTHFR. Therefore, a thorough…
Hormonal causes are probably the most common causes of recurrent miscarriages. They relate to more than a third of these cases. Thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism or less often hyperthyroidism, disorders of glucose metabolism such as hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia, as well as prolactinomas may easily lead to the loss of pregnancy usually in the first…
Anatomic causes that may lead to recurrent miscarriage include congenital uterine abnormalities such as didelphis and unicornuate uterus, fibroids or endometrial adhesions that are mostly related to endometritis.
In addition, part of the anatomical cause is cervical insufficiency. The cervix is the anatomical boundary between the vagina and the uterus and I often describe it…