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Drugs with indirect action

Cabergoline and Bromocriptine (Dostinex and Parlodel) Hyperprolactinaemia, described at the increased concentration of prolactin in the blood, can prevent ovulation or alter its quality. These drugs are used to restore prolactin levels back to normal. These drugs are completely innocent and should not be stopped unless there is a medical recommendation. Thyroid Hormone It is…

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Fertilisation with the PICSI (Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection technique)

PICSI micro fertilisation acts as an extra sperm quality filter and is a technique used for the best possible selection of sperm, which will be used for injection into the egg with ICSI micro fertilisation. The PICSI method is literally an extra test for the sperm and involves placing the sperm in hyaluronic acid (HA),…

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Οvarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

The assisted reproduction procedures are perfectly safe medical interventions, but unfortunately there are many myths regarding the impact of IVF on the health of the patients who undergo it. However, if one were to ask what a real complication of IVFcould be, nobody would hesitate to mention the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.   The ovarian hyperstimulation is…

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