The most recent protocol is that of ONE INJECTION, as it is called. It is essentially chorifolitropin α (ELONVA) which is given once on the second day of the cycle and essentially replaces the seven-day injections! From the 6th day it is combined with an antagonist and from the 8th day, if the stimulation is…
Microfertilisation or ICSI is the selection of a normal spermatozoa from the embryologists, based on its morphological characteristics and its smooth mobility, its aspiration with a micropipette and the injection of it straight into the egg.
Fertilisation with ICSI is applied in the following cases:
• Weak sperm
• History of endometriosis
• Advanced reproductive…
Since 2010, egg freezing has been launched in cases where there was no partner in younger ages and the patient wanted to preserve their fertility unchanged over time. Eggs are also cryopreserved by the rapid freezing method and thawed when the patient desires to fertilise them and create a family with the right partner or…
Embryos throughout their development period, from fertilization to the blastocyst stage, are surrounded by a membrane called the zona pellucida.
The process of blastocyst hatching, under normal conditions, takes place on embryonic day 5, at the blastocyst stage, when the embryos create a hole in the zone that encloses them and thus escape from this…
The embryo transfer usually takes place on the third day after the egg collection, in the embryonic stage of 6-8 cells. However, quite often the embryo transfer that is decided to take place at the blastocyst stage (5th -6th day of embryonic development) and it has been shown that the selection of embryos with good…
Choice of the right day for embryo transfer
The right day of embryo transfer for every woman is different as the implantation mechanisms change in every system. In order to achieve a pregnancy after the embryo transfer we need to manage the synchronisation of the cavity with the developmental stage of the embryos. Therefore the…