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Specialised treatment for the fertilisation pathway

1)Uterus & hysteroscopy Although congenital abnormalities in the uterus do not normally cause infertility they sometimes cause problems during a potentially subsequent pregnancy. Therefore, the potential risks arising from them should be analysed in detail before starting any fertility treatment. Accordingly, if the uterus has fibroids which are in contact with the endometrial cavity and…

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Fertilisation with ICSI (Intra Cellular Sperm Injection)

Microfertilisation or ICSI is the selection of a normal spermatozoa from the embryologists, based on its morphological characteristics and its smooth mobility, its aspiration with a micropipette and the injection of it straight into the egg. Fertilisation with ICSI is applied in the following cases: • Weak sperm • History of endometriosis • Advanced reproductive…

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The goals of surgical treatment of endometriosis are -Limiting the disease and thereby increasing fertility -Relief of the pain associated with endometriosis -Correction of the mechanical issues associated with the problem -Removal of the endometriomas, i.e. the chocolate cysts, but with particular effort to avoid damaging the remaining and particularly valuable healthy ovarian tissue.

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