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Sperm maturation or release inability

Spermatogenesis is a very complex process which seems to be influenced by a number of factors that may lead to the most common oligo-astheno-terato-zoospermia or even azoospermia. These factors that influence the stages of spermatogenesis or the release of sperm are the following

  • Chromosomal defects, translocations and inversions of genetic material, may be responsible for 10% of severe asthenospermia
  • Inability of testicular descent or delayed surgical fixation in the scrotum at a late reproductive age. Therefore, the American Paediatric Society now recommends their fixation in case of descent inability by the age of 2.
  • Male hormonal regulation disorders
  • Obstruction in the seminal vesicles due to inflammation or injury
  • Varicocele, which is a condition in which the spermatic veins stretch & dilate especially in the left testicle, resulting in the accumulation of toxins and an increase in the temperature in the scrotum. Under the influence of these toxins and elevated temperature, spermatogenesis can be significantly affected negatively.
  • Smoking, alcohol and other toxic substances.
  • Retrograde ejaculation.

    Retrograde ejaculation.

    It is a rare condition in which the sperm is led directly into the uterine bladder, instead of being directed through the penis to the external environment with a visible ejaculation. This can happen either due to valvar mechanism destruction at the base of the urethra which may be a common complication of prostate surgery, or because of traumatic nervous system lesions, or more often in chronic diabetic patients.